Head office: 664009, Russia, Irkutsk city, Krasnoyarskay street 31/1, office 507
8 800 775-13-35
Tel/fax: +7 (3952) 488-714
e-mail: tsg@tebu.ru
For the calculation of rates, please contact our staff:
Roma Romanov (r.romanov@tebu.ru):
International container shipping from China to Russia via the railway border crossing Manchuria-Zabaikalsk.
Kristina Ovchinnikova (k.ovchinnikova@tebu.ru):
Shipping of imported goods in covered wagons through the territory of Russia, including the customs clearance on the way.
Vladimir Jia (v.jia@tebu.ru):
Containers provision for one way rental for international
Containers forwarding through Russian territory with overload organization in Zabaikalsk and payment of transportation from the border to the destination station.
Yuriy Bauman (u.bauman@tebu.ru):
Shipping through Russian territory imported heavy and oversized cargo in open-top wagon, on the platforms and transporters, including the customs clearance on the road.
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