Shipping through Russian territory of imported heavy and oversized cargo in open-top wagons, on the platforms and transporters, including the customs clearance en route

We are experienced in organization of transportation of heavy and off gauge import cargoes shipped to Russia via railway border crossing Manzhouli-Zabaikalsk.

Our company (Irkutskaya Gruzovaya Company) has the agreement with Zabaikalsk Railways for provision of private wagons and platforms for import cargo reloading. This allows us to give you low rates.

After getting from the customer the shipping information we by ourselves make the drafts of disposition of the piece of freight in open top wagons or at the platforms. After we have made the drafts we coordinate them with freight service of Zabaikalsk railways.

Recently we succeeded in transportation of equipment for ferrous metallurgy under the route Zabaikalsk-Novokuznetsk. The equipment was transported by several lots consisted from 43 open top wagons and 35 platforms. Thanks to the properly picked up models of Russian wagons we were able to dislocate the whole cargo in the limits of dimensional transportation. This significantly reduced the expenses and the terms of cargo delivery.

Transportation the mill from Zabaikalsk to Novokuznetsk

In October-December, 2011 our company has successfully executed an order for transportation of 78 open-top wagons and platforms with constituent parts of the mill for the West Siberian Metallurgical Combine. This work we were doing on the order of the German company, which is producer of metallurgical equipment. We have produced and agreed the scheme of fixing the cargo, supply necessary wagons.

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